
Your current passwords will not be transferred. We will provide you an initial password in an email from our helpdesk. Do not update/use this new password until after the move on December 4th.

We will keep track of this newly assinged password only. The system does not allow anyone see your password (including us). We can only reset it. Upon request, we can change it back to the initial password we gave you.

Before entering your new password on your other devices, we recommend you change the password we give you to something more personal.

Here's how you can change your password in webmail:

  • Log in to webmail using the assigned password and your full email address as your username.
  • Click on your email address in the upper right corner of the screen.
  • From the drop-down menu, select “Password & Security”. Change your password.* Hit Save.
    *NOTE: All passwords must be at least 8 characters long, contain an upper-case letter, a lower-case letter, a number, and must meet a security score of 70 out of 100. You may use most special characters as well.
  • You can now update your username, and passwords on each device used to check email. 

Update your alternate contact email for password recovery:

  • Log in to webmail using the assigned password and your full email address as your username.
  • Click on your email address in the upper right corner of the screen.
  • Click on your email address and select "Contact Information" and enter an altenate email address for notifications.Hit Save.

Your local email program (Outlook, etc.)

  • Open your email settings
  • Your username should now be your full email address
  • Enter your new password in both incoming and outgoing mail settings.
  • The Server/Host names will stay the same as before.

As added security, 3 failed password attempts from the same IP address within a 20-minute window will block all access to our server.

  • First instance will be a temporary block of 6 hours.
  • Additional instances will double the temporary lockout time, up to 4 instances.
  • You can contact us to remove the temporary blocks.
  • On the 5th instance within a single week - The lockout becomes permanent and requires you to contact us to get it removed. We will need your IP address to find and remove the block. You can get this information at (An IP address will look similar to:

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